Visa Guidelines
Photo Guidelines

The photographs must be:
No more than 6-months old
35-45mm in width
Close up of your head and top of your shoulders so that your face takes up 70 -80% of the photograph
In sharp focus and clear
Of high quality with no ink marks or creases

The photographs must be:
Show you looking directly at the camera
Show your skin tones naturally
Have appropriate brightness and contrast
Be printed on high quality paper, and at high resolution Photographs taken with a digital camera must be high quality colour and printed on photo-quality paper.

The photographs must be:
Be colour neutral
Show your eyes open and clearly visible-no hair across your eyes
Show you facing square on to the camera, not looking over one shoulder (portrait style) or tilted, and showing both edges of your face clearly
Be taken with a plain light-coloured background
Be taken with uniform lighting and not show shadows or flash reflections on your face and no red eye

If you wear glasses:
the photograph must show your eyes clearly with no flash reflection off the glasses, and no tinted lenses (if possible, avoid heavy frames - wear lighter framed glasses if you have them)
Make sure that the frames do not cover any part of your eyes.
Head coverings :
Are not permitted except for religious reasons, but your facial features from bottom of chin to top of forehead and both edges of your face must be clearly shown.

Processing Time
Applications shall be decided on within 15 Working Days of the date of the lodging of an application.
That period may be extended up to a maximum of 30 calendar days in individual cases, notably when further scrutiny of the application is needed or in cases of representation where the authorities of the represented Member State are consulted. In case when additional documentation is needed in specific cases, the period may be extended up to a maximum of 60 calendar days.
The applicant voluntarily agrees to avail the services of VFS Global Services Pvt. Ltd. to apply for a Schengen Visa at the Austrian Desk.
Applicant are advised that during the examination of an application, consulates may in justified cases request additional documents in accordance with Article 21 (8) of Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 establishing a Community Code on Visas. The Embassy may call applicants for an interview if deemed necessary.
The applicant and/or its authorized representative declare being advised to submit full documentation according above checklist and that submission of incomplete or faulty documentation can be reason for refusal of the application.